Terms & Conditions
Regency Fire & Security Ltd – Terms & Conditions
We fully appreciate from the outset that these Terms and Conditions are long and detailed and we apologise for that. However, they are there for your protection as much as ours. We want to make our services and costs as transparent as possible to avoid any misunderstanding in the future. This document therefore seeks to explain everything about our services and costs so you have a clear understanding of the agreement between us and provide a reference document for the future.
Part 1 – Definitions In these Terms and Conditions the following expressions shall have the following meanings:-
1.1 Company – Regency Fire & Security Ltd
1.2 Customer – The person, organisation or company referred to in these Terms and Conditions as ‘You’ or ‘Your’
1.3 The system – means all of the equipment supplied by The Company; this includes Control Units, Electronic Detection Units, Wiring Circuits, Batteries, Contacts, Tubes and all other detection devices and components which make up the System.
1.4 Premises – The premises referred to in the quotation or where the security system subject of this agreement is installed.
1.5 Installation – The installation of the security system as specified in the quotation.
1.6 Terms & Conditions – The documents forming this agreement may include the Quotation, Acceptance document, Order confirmation letter. Handover documents and any other terms defined herein.
1.7 Alarm Receiving Centre – A continuously manned remote centre to which alarm activations are signalled (Remote Monitoring) and passed to the relevant authority (e.g. Fire, Police, Keyholders).
1.8 Completion – All system costs shall be paid in full on completion of installation. The issue of the Company’s Handover Certificate to the customer shall be conclusive evidence of completion.
1.81 Signing the completion document signifies your satisfaction with the completed works carried out.
1.9 Preventative Maintenance – means the routine inspection of the installation to confirm that it continues to function in accordance with the quotation and to identify and rectify any items found faulty, worn, or in need of scheduled replacement. The Company offers different types of Preventative Maintenance agreements offering different levels of cover.
1.10 Call out – means the response to a customer reporting a fault with their security system and the subsequent repair of such faults, including false alarms from security systems.
1.11 Insurance – The Company carries limited liability insurance in connection with its business, details of which are available upon request.
Part 2 – Quotation Acceptance
2.1 Paying the deposit and verbally instructing the Company to carry out work is a ‘contract’ and signifies the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions along with any other requirements defined in the quote. Nothing in these T&Cs, either stated or implied shall detract from the Customer’s statutory rights. Our Terms and Conditions may be updated occasionally and supersedes all others.
Part 3 – Costs & Quotation
3.1 Payment is due on the invoice date; the final payment date is printed on the invoice.
3.2 All work requires a 50% deposit to be settled prior to scheduling a works date and site attendance. A deposit invoice will be issued upon acceptance, followed by order confirmation once in receipt of the paid deposit.
3.3 All costs shall be paid for in full on completion of the installation or work. The issue of the Company’s Handover Certificate to the customer shall be conclusive evidence of completion.
3.31 Any delay in payment upon completion, the customer shall be liable to pay interest to the company on such sum from the completion date at the annual rate of 5% accruing on a daily basis until payment is made in full.
3.32 You shall reimburse the company on a full indemnity basis, including all costs, expenses and an administration fee in connection with any recovery of any money outstanding.
3.33 All equipment remains the property of the company until full payment is received, the customer hereby agrees to allow us to access your premises for the purpose of recovering the equipment if payment is not received within 7 days of the completed work.
3.4 If you cancel or change the arranged booking with less than seven days before installation, we may charge you for any equipment we have bought for your premises and make a reasonable charge for the loss of a day/s labour.
3.5 Should any delays be incurred on site through no fault of the company, we reserve the right to forward additional charges as necessary.
3.6 The quotation is fixed for a period of 30 days and for the installation to be complete within 3 months of the date of the agreement.
3.61 – The quoted cost of the installation may be revised if:
3.62 – You want the work carried out more urgently than agreed.
3.63 – You change the quotation details.
3.64 – Your premises are in some way unsuitable for the installation to be completed, for reasons or circumstances that was not apparent at the time of the original survey or there are circumstances we were not aware of at the time of providing our quotation.
3.7 – Any telephone line installation, rental and call charges are the responsibility of the customer. The telephone must be capable of making outgoing calls, not have call barring or other special service on it, which may prevent the operation of the remote signalling equipment.
3.8 – If you change your telephone service provider once the system has been installed we will need to test the operation of the remote signalling device to ensure compatibility. Redcare monitoring is only available on BT lines.
3.9 – All monitored systems that utilise a Digital Communicator, are required under European Regulations to communicate automatically with the Alarm Receiving Centre every 24 hours, to ensure that the signalling is in working order. Where you have a hard-wired communicator, these calls are made to the Alarm Receiving Centre who have opted for a telephone number in the 0870 (Non-Geographical) range. You may see these charges on your telephone bill and you are responsible for these charges – where your provider makes a charge for such calls. Note: This does not apply to the GSM ‘DigiAIR’ systems, the call costs for which are included in your monitoring charge.
3.10 – The addition of Broadband onto the telephone line on which your alarm is connected, will disrupt the ability of the alarm to dial out. You will need to arrange for the Company to fit an ADSL filter to your alarm communicator, for which a cost will be levied.
Part 4 – Customer’s obligations The following duties must be carried out by the Customer before installation starts to enable the Company to successfully install the System. The Customer must:-
4.1 – Obtain and pay for all necessary consents and licences for the installation of the System (such as landlord’s consent); by instructing the company and proceeding with this agreement you guarantee that you have full authority to allow us to install and maintain the installation and no other consents are required.
4.2 – Give the Company access to the premises on the date and time agreed to install the System, and arrange for easy and unobstructed access to all working areas and surfaces for the Company engineers to carry out the necessary work to install the System.
4.3 – Supply adjacent to the intruder alarm control unit, a non-switched fused 240v spur outlet, unless the Company’s engineer has been requested to fit this device by the Customer and this has been noted on the Quotation.
4.4 – Advise the Company of the existence of concealed water, gas, electricity, telephone or other services and point out to the installation engineer their location before work commences.
4.5 – The Company will use reasonable skill and care in identifying any concealed services not so pointed out. The Company will only be liable for damage to these services or for resulting damage to the extent that it does not take such reasonable care. 4.6 – Be responsible, where required and requested, for the lifting of any floorboards or floor coverings other than carpets, where required. Note that the Company cannot be held responsible for any damage as a result of lifting and refitting carpets or be responsible for any proposed flush fitting of units and making good thereafter.
4.7 – If the Customer wishes the Company to use any existing equipment as part of the System, it will be assumed to be in full working order. Where the Company on installation discovers this is not the case, any work required to bring such equipment up to an acceptable standard will be charged for on a time and material basis, only after agreement with the Customer.
4.8 – Where damage could be caused which may not be immediately apparent to our operatives, the Company cannot be held liable where it has not been notified of such a possibility.
Post Installation Obligations
4.9 – It is the responsibility of the Customer after the installation is completed, to refit any floorboards, carpets or other floor coverings lifted by the customer before installation and to carry out any building work, cutting away, decoration or making good, unless specifically stated in the quotation, other than any remedial work required by the failure to exercise reasonable care and skill by the Company its employees or agents.
4.10 – The Customer will (on or immediately after the Installation Date) notify the Company in writing of the addresses and telephone numbers of persons (Keyholders) who hold keys or codes for the System and the persons responsible for the opening and closing of the premises and upon any change notify the Company immediately in writing. The Company shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused or resulting from any failure to notify the Company.
4.11 – At all times after the installation is completed the Customer will:-
4.11.1 – Operate the System in accordance with the instruction manual;
4.11.2 – Where applicable, pay any telephone line or equipment charges due to third parties (and increases from time to time);
4.11.3 – Pay for all electrical supplies to the System and remain responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all such supplies to the System.
4.12 – You should notify us in advance, if a third-party intends to work on the telephone system at your premises, if your remote monitoring relies on it, as this may affect the alarms systems ability to contact the Alarm Receiving Centre.
Part 5 – Company’s Obligations
5.1 – The Company will install the System at the premises or site specified in the quotation on the scheduled date.
5.2 -The Companies engineers are very experienced and will use reasonable endeavours to install the System neatly and to conceal cables wherever possible, but where this is impractical the cables will be surface run, after discussion with the customer.
5.3 – The System will be installed in accordance with the recommendations contained in the current British and European Standards for Intruder Alarms in buildings, current from time to time on the date on which the installation starts. Any change made in the Standard for intruder alarms will not be deemed to be retrospective to existing installations.
5.4 – On installation, the Company will educate the designated person(s) of its use; this will be accompanied with an instruction manual on new installations where applicable. Briefing and demonstration of the System to the Customer or his/her representative. (There will be an additional charge if further instructional visits are required.)
5.5 – Any remote use/ viewing setup during the installation includes set up on two devices subject to those devices being IOS or Android compatible with the application. Any further devices will be subject to a small charge.
5.6 – Where a deduction from cost has been made by the Company for installation of first fix wiring by a third party, our engineers can only check the position of such wiring against their original specification. We cannot check or be held responsible for the integrity of the wiring as inevitably the wire runs are concealed behind plaster, under floors etc. Please be advised that the Company will only become aware of any problems with the integrity of the wiring when our engineer attempts to power up and commission the system.
5.7 – Carry out at the Company’s expense any repairs or replacement to the System (excluding any consumables, or existing equipment owned by the Customer and incorporated into the system) required by any faulty materials or workmanship within a minimum of twelve months from the Installation Date, unless a longer period is specified on the quotation.
5.8 – At the request of the Customer and within a reasonable time after such request, carry out such further works to the System as are necessary to keep the same in operation or to modify, upgrade or replace the System at a price agreed by the Customer and the Company.
5.9 – Offer to undertake any modification, alteration or upgrading of the System required to comply with any requirement or regulations of the Police or other authority subject to costs determined by survey and agreement between Customer and Company.
5.10 The Company’s engineers will ensure their work space is left clean and orderly with all packaging materials disposed on completion. The Company will dispose of any replacement parts unless the Customer specifically requests to keep them.
Part 6 – Maintenance & Monitoring
6.1 – Monitoring and Maintenance agreements are for a one year fixed term basis running from the date of installation. The Company will offer ongoing agreements and will send details and a quotation for the following year’s charges, four weeks approximately before expiry of the annual term. The Company shall have the right to increase such charges at each renewal from year to year.
6.2 – The Customer will pay the Monitoring Charge for the first year on receipt of an invoice issued by the Company once connection has been made to the Alarm Receiving Centre.
6.3 – The Company will carry out Monitoring and Maintenance services as set out in the installation notes and as agreed in writing between the Customer and the Company.
6.4 – The Customer may terminate Monitoring at any time, by giving at least 60 days written notice. This is particularly important at the annual renewal as you will only normally receive renewal documents 30 days before the agreements expires.
6.5 – Maintenance agreements on unmonitored systems are optional and the customer may renew or not renew as they see fit at each annual agreement renewal.
6.6 -It is a Police requirement and therefore mandatory that all systems with ‘Remote Monitoring’ must have a Preventative Maintenance agreements in place providing 6 monthly inspection visits.
6.7 – The Company will carry out routine maintenance inspection during the hours of 08:30 to 17:30 Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) on a date previously agreed with the Customer and in accordance with the relevant Standard where applicable.
6.8 – The Preventative Maintenance agreements may not include charges for any replacement parts, subject to agreement type, and may therefore be charged as extra.
6.9 – Any call for us to attend your premises in an emergency will normally be affected within 4 hours or before the system next needs to be set, unless mutually agreed otherwise.
6.10 In the event of an engineer arriving on site to a pre-scheduled appointment and the customer fails to attend a site visit charge will be incurred.
Part 7 – General Conditions
7.1 – Absolute Ownership of the installation and the installed equipment will pass to the Customer on payment of the balance of monies.
7.12 The title of the system shall not pass to the customer until payment in full has been made to the company and in default of punctual payment the company reserves the right to enter the premises and reposes the system.
7.2 – The Customer will not assign, sell, charge, mortgage, pledge or attempt to part with possession of any part of the Company Equipment nor any interest in it nor encourage or allow any person to adjust, tamper, alter or interfere in any way whatsoever with the Company Equipment.
7.3 – The Company is entitled to transfer or assign all or any of its rights in this Agreement and to perform any of its obligations through nominated and approved subcontractors, although the Company will still be responsible to the Customer for its obligations.
7.4 Treat as confidential all information obtained under this agreement and not disclose details of the alarm system to any third party.
7.5 Warranty unless otherwise stipulated in the quotation, the company will repair and replace faulty non-consumable parts within 12 months from completion. This does not apply to faults or damage from misuse, tampering, third party work, surges, lighting, or main faults, attempted burglary, fire, act of god, moisture or chemical damage.
Part 8 – Termination
8.1 If the customer shall commit any breach of the agreement including any failure to make any payment on the due date, the company may forthwith terminate the agreement without prejudice to its rights to recover any sum due by the customer to the company.
8.2 Should the customer wish to cancel the agreement, no refund will be made available during the agreement Term.
8.21 If the customer is paying their agreement service and monitoring costs monthly and opts to cancel the agreement inside of the agreement Term, the customer must pay all outstanding months in full; that is, to see the agreement period through.
8.3 – The Company may terminate this Agreement immediately, without advice or notice of withdrawal, should any agreed payment fail to be made within 30 days of an invoice or direct debit due payment date or if the Customer goes into liquidation, becomes bankrupt, makes a voluntary arrangement with his creditors or has a receiver or administrator appointed.
8.31 – The Company reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately if the System or the premises are destroyed or so substantially damaged that the Company is unable to reasonably continue its obligations hereunder.
8.4 – Either the Customer or the Company may terminate this contract by giving a minimum of 60 Days notice in writing. Where the contract is terminated by the Customer, any unused portion of the years Monitoring and/or Maintenance contract will not be refundable.
8.5 – This agreement is non-transferrable and should you move from your premises the contract will cease and will not be automatically transferred to the new owner/occupier, nor will any refund be given.
8.6 – If the Company is not paid the balance of the Installation Charge it may remove the System from the Customer’s premises. In this event, the Customer will be responsible for any breakage or other damage, in particular for the refitting of any floor boards, carpets or other floor coverings and to carry out any building work, decoration or making good, arising from the removal of the Equipment unless the same is caused by the failure to exercise reasonable care and skill by the Company, its employees or agents.
8.7 – Emergency call out charges to be paid by the Customer on receipt of an invoice, or within a maximum of 7 days of the due date unless agreed otherwise. In the event of the Customer making a default in payment of any of the charges herein, refusing to pay, or committing any breach of the provisions of this contract the Company may, in its absolute discretion, immediately terminate this contract whereupon all obligations monitoring maintenance warranty if applicable and liability on part of the Company hereunder shall immediately cease without prejudice to any right of action or remedy of the Company to recover any sum due or owing under terms of this contract at the date of such termination.
9.1 – The System is intended only to reduce the risk of loss or damage to the property and injury to persons on the premises to the extent that is reasonably practicable by the use of such equipment. The Company gives no undertaking to the Customer that the System may not be compromised or circumvented or that the System will prevent any loss by burglary, theft or otherwise. The Company does not guarantee that particular loss, damage or injury can and will be prevented by use of the System and the Customer is advised to arrange sufficient insurance cover to cover such an eventuality.
9.2 – The Company has provided limited insurance cover for itself with indemnity claims made against it in respect of accident, injury, loss or damage. Cover also extends to ‘Failure to Perform’ or wrongful advice given unwittingly, further details of our insurance cover will be provided upon request.
9.3 – The Company accepts no liability for claims falling outside the ambit of the indemnity and the customer is advised to arrange sufficient insurance cover in respect of any such claims arising.
9.4 – The Company does not accept any responsibility for the costs or replacement of any part of the system resulting from fire, flood, accident, neglect, misuse, malicious damage, or electrical power surges (lightening).
9.5 – Like all electronic equipment, although rare, the system or its components could fail to work as designed to do. The Company is therefore unable to guarantee that it will be operational at any specific time or for any specific period. The Company will provide details on request as to how a Customer can perform regular tests to verify that the equipment contained in the installation is operational between routine maintenance inspections carried out by the company.
9.6 – The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Customer however caused, whether as a result of any failure to exercise reasonable care and skill, breach of these terms, false statement or otherwise or resulting from any unauthorised entry or burglary, theft, robbery, damage, disturbance or any other cause, in excess of the insurance cover we hold.
9.7 – The Customer shall be liable for the cost of any key-holding charges, regardless of the nature of the call including any alarm equipment failure.
9.8 – The company will not accept responsibility for any failed signal transmission to the alarm receiving centre due to reasons beyond the company’s control, resetting the system without prior knowledge and authority of the companies appointed alarm receiving centre, withdrawal or modification of police response, failure to act on system notifications.
9.9 – The Company or its insurers shall not be liable to investigate any claim for loss unless the Customer has given written notice as soon as is reasonably practicable (maximum 14 days) after its occurrence or it coming to the Customer’s attention and the Customer shall give the Company and/or its insurers every facility to investigate such occurrence.
9.10 – The Company shall not under any circumstances whatsoever be liable for any loss or damage however caused which was not caused directly by a breach of these terms or a failure to exercise reasonable care and skill on the part of the Company.
9.11 – The company will do its utmost to supply and instal the system within a reasonable timeframe and to keep all systems operating efficiently
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